Day 20 - Joyful Books

What sort of reading material gives you Joy?

Easy version:

Pick a book that’s given you Joy in the past, and re-read it.

Less easy:

Pick a new book to try! Perhaps another one by an author you know you love, or on a topic you find cheerful or interesting. Maybe broaden your horizons and try something totally new! Keep a list of recommendations that sound good. Check your local library to see what they’ve got. Or, go to your favourite indie bookstore and support them!

My personal choice:

Reading is one of my favourite things to do. I tend to have half a dozen books on the go at once, so that I can pick one according to my mood (or the mood I want to be in) from day to day. I also love a good cookbook!

What I’ve shown in the pictures:

Agatha Christie - right now I’m really enjoying stories where people who do bad things get caught and face consequences. Plus, that cover art!

Stumbling on Happiness - I just started this audiobook on my walk yesterday, and I’m hooked already. Humourous and interesting all at once! (One of the greatest side-effects of this 21 Days of Joy project is that I’ve been seeking out information about what creates joy and happiness - I’m really enjoying immersing myself in this!)

What If We Get It Right? - I’m also really craving books that give realistic hope. This is one of those.

Taste Buds - a cookbook full of recipes for edible flowers.. yes please! And all of the pictures are gorgeous. Plus, the author is from Ontario, so her flower suggestions are mostly things I grow too!

Big Magic - (really anything by Elizabeth Gilbert); this book is bursting with the Joy of being a creative person, and has inspired me every time I’ve read it (maybe 4 or 5 times now? It’s that good!)

Dispersals - another Canadian author, and another one that I’ve enjoyed everything I’ve read of hers. This is about flowers, but also so much more. (I love any book about gardening, flowers, food, forests - all such Joyful topics for me!)

Why do this?

Reading requires a bit more of your brain and attention than listening to a song or watching a movie. In these days of social media and a million things vying for our attention all the time, attention spans have become alarmingly short. Giving your mind something that will take longer than a minute to “consume” helps to rebuild attention spans and strengthen the ability to focus. So go ahead, sink your imagination into a great escapist read, or feast your curiosity on a non-fiction topic that interests you!

I’d love to hear your Joyful book recommendations in the comments below!