Day 19 - Support Small Businesses

You have the power to shape your neighbourhood!

Easy version:

Share a local small business that you love, either by taking a friend there, sharing their social media page, or recommending them to a neighbour.

Less easy:

Make a small purchase to support a small business, write them a glowing review on Google, show up for their special events.

My personal choice:

Recently, we had to drive down to Bancroft to deliver a piece of art to the gallery there. Someone had mentioned a cute cafe in town called The Muse, so we went to check it out. I loved it! So much character, yummy food, and lots of local artists and artisans represented on the walls and shelves! I highly recommend it if you’re in the Bancroft area.

Why do this?

Have you ever seen an Amazon warehouse? I have. I don’t want that to be what my neighbourhood looks like. If you’re here reading this, I’m going to assume that you are also a fan of the unique, the creative, the soulful, and the handmade. You’ve probably heard this before, but when you support a small business, they are far more likely to keep that income circulating within their community (rather than, say, buy another yacht). And that’s what keeps neighbourhoods friendly, colourful, Joyful places to hang out :) Connect with the wonderful community around you!