Day 13 - Hug
Today’s activity only takes a minute, and will boost your Joy in invisible but real ways!
Easy version:
Hug someone! A loved one, a pet, or even give yourself a big hug! (Obviously, do this with respect for other people’s personal space needs - don’t just hug without consent!)
Less easy:
Are you ready for this? Hold that hug for 10-20 seconds. This might feel awkwardly long, but according to the research, a hug lasting around 10-20 seconds releases feel-good hormones like oxytocin, and reduces stress.
Why do this?
See above! But also, it creates a feeling of bonding between you and your loved one, and that makes you feel connected and secure.
My personal choice:
I’m starting with a self-hug, simply because I’m tickled by the idea that even hugging yourself can reduce stress and release the feel-good hormones. My husband Norman is a great hugger, so he’ll be next in line. And we’ve got two social engagements over the next couple of days (more than we’ve had over the past two months! Ha!), so I’ll be hugging everyone who’s up for it :)