Day 12 - Connect Virtually

Get in touch with someone who makes you feel good!

Easy version:

Think of somebody who makes you feel good. Send them a text or an email.

Less easy:

Same, but phone them! Remember when we used to pick up the phone to stay in touch with friends and family? It’s a joy to hear their voices and catch up.

Why do this?

Community is important, even if you’re very happy being a bit of a hermit (as I am!). Reaching out to someone who makes you happy is one of the nicest ways to boost not only your own Joy, but theirs as well :)

My personal choice:

I reached out to a couple of high school friends that I hadn’t talked to in months, and had lovely long texting catch-ups with both of them. I also had a lovely phone call with my mom!

Ideas for sharing:

This activity is a sharing one by nature - you are sharing the joy by reaching out to this person!