Day 7 - New Flavours
Taste the Joy!
Easy version:
Eat something you’ve never tried before.
Less easy:
Make a new recipe with this new food!
Not only will this ground you in your sense of taste, but our brains enjoy novelty. Give your brain something new to experience!
My personal choice:
I decided to try dragon fruit :) They’re so bright and cheerful to look at, and the internet told me they taste like a cross between pears and kiwis, which tasted nice in my imagination. While I was trying to decide how to eat them, my husband started reminiscing about the fruit pavlovas his mother used to make. A quick peek in a cookbook told us this wouldn’t be too hard to accomplish, so we gave it a try!
Having tried it, I can now tell you that dragon fruit looks much more exciting than it tastes (haha). Thankfully, the pavlova we made (adapted from Jamie Oliver’s basic recipe) included some crystallized ginger, lime zest, and toasted coconut. The overall effect was delightful!
Ideas for sharing:
If you’re on social media, you can share a picture of your food experiment. Give a short review of this new food/recipe - would you eat it again? Add a quick description of the activity to encourage your friends and followers to try it too!
If you’re doing a “daily Joy texting” partnership with someone, send each other pictures of your food experiments, along with a little review sharing your thoughts about this new food now that you’ve tasted it.
To share this activity in person, ask someone to join you in your new food adventure. You can both eat the same thing, or different things, or even make a recipe together to enjoy.
What new food adventure did you end up trying? I’d love to hear about it in the comments below :)