Day 6 - Favourite Colour
What’s your favourite colour?
Easy version:
Use paint, pastels, crayons, pencil crayons, etc to make a simple shape in your favourite colour. Stick it on your fridge!
Less easy:
Take a bit more time, and create something more involved than a simple shape. Maybe focus on a combination of colours that really delight you.
You love this colour! It brings you joy!
Ideas for sharing:
If you’re on social media, you can share a picture of your colourful creation. Add a quick description of the activity to encourage your friends and followers to try it too!
If you’re doing a “daily Joy texting” partnership with someone, send each other pictures of your drawing or painting, even if it’s just a simple shape.
To share this activity in person, have a creative mini-party - use a colouring book or whatever scrap paper you’ve got. Or get fancy and go to the dollar store and pick up a little paint set or box of crayons. Have fun with this like a 5-year-old would :)
Feel free to share your experience with me! Either in the comments below, or by emailing me.
My personal choice:
I love how certain colours interact with each other. This greeny-yellow leaf shape was made by using a leaf as a stencil and painting with watercolours around it. The different colours blend together in a way I could never have controlled, and I love the result! I also did a bit of experimenting with bluey-purple watercolours, making simple shapes (I’m not a painter! haha). After making these simple watercolour pieces, I noticed they are colour combinations I’ve enjoyed working with before in my photographic artwork. Here are a couple of examples:
Happy colouring!