Morgan le Fay

Morgan le Fay
19x9” piece (1.5” deep) from my limited edition Monet’s Fairies collection! Photographic composite, mounted on ebony-stained birch panel. UV protection varnish applied, ready to hang.
Layers: lily pads are from Monet’s famous pond in Giverny, overlayed with images from the stained glass ceiling of a Parisian restaurant popular among artists both present and past. The “fairies” are lights in the window of a Paris salon. All of these images were taken during my artists’ residency in Paris during the fall of 2019.
Name: Legendary enchantress from Malory’s “Le Morte d’Arthur”. I’ve always loved the Camelot stories (admittedly they’ve all been movies for me rather than the original book). Morgan le Fay was also resurrected by Marvel comics in 1955, as the half-faerie half-sister of King Arthur.