Jessica Lin Photography

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Day 21 - Meditate

Saving one of the more challenging prompts for the end, now that you’ve spent three weeks building your Joy muscles!

Easy version:

Find a short (5-10 minute) guided meditation to listen to. Also easy, you can check out the online version of my Serenity Experience installation. It’s intended to give the feel-good calming effects of meditation, without much effort or needing to have any experience. You can find it here.

Less easy:

Make a habit of it! Research has shown that 30 minutes of meditation per day for 2 months PHYSICALLY changes the landscape of your brain. Let that sink in. You can change your brain. It doesn’t even have to be 30 minutes at once - do a 15-minute morning meditation, and another before bedtime. There are a ton of books and other resources out there about why meditation works if you need more information.

My personal choice:

I subscribe to an app called Unplug, because that’s where I started and I like that there are a large variety of people leading the meditations, as well as topics, lengths, etc. There are many apps out there, and lots of free guided meditations on YouTube. The key is to find the one you feel comfortable with, so that you’ll keep coming back.

If you want to dive deeper, the University of Toronto School of Continuing Studies offers a certificate program in Mindfulness Meditation, which is available online. I loved the classes, the instructors, and the other kind-hearted people who showed up to learn how to be better versions of themselves, and how to help others. I highly recommend it!

Why do this?

Did you see that part up above about changing your brain?? This is powerful stuff! Take more control over your mindset and where your attention is being spent. It’s not the easiest thing at first, but I promise that like anything, it gets easier with practice. Create good ruts in your brain!