Day 18 - Eco-Love
Small changes add up!
Easy version:
Make one small eco-friendly change in your home.
Less easy:
Make a short list of changes you want to gradually make over the next few months, and set dates for your intentions.
My personal choice:
Plastic drives me nuts. And yet - it’s so incredibly handy sometimes! I’ve tried my best to eliminate unnecessary plastic over the past few years, and one of the first steps was starting to use a bamboo toothbrush. One of the main motivators in growing our own vegetables is also to reduce the amount of plastic-wrapped veggies in our lives.
Why do this?
There’s the obvious reason of being a bit more gentle with the Earth we’re relying on for our existence, but it also feels good to know you’re taking little steps to make things better. No step is too small! Make a small change every month, and a year from now you’ll have made 12 changes!