Day 9 - Random Act of Kindness

Start to spread that Joy!

Easy version:

Perform one random act of kindness today. Shovel a neighbour’s sidewalk. Smile at a stranger. Hold the door for someone. Take a minute and write a glowing review on Google for one of your favourite local small businesses.

Less easy:

Do a few! Share a random act of kindness with someone close to you, as well as with a complete stranger.

Why would you do this?

Well. Aside from making the world a kinder place? Putting a warm glow into someone’s heart? If those aren’t reasons enough, there’s also this: it feels good to help others. You will be giving yourself a boost in the Joy department, and also spreading ripples of Joy within your home or community. Yay you!

My personal choice:

I have to admit, this was a lot easier to do when we lived in Toronto, and you could easily see hundreds of strangers in a day. There seemed to be endless opportunities for spreading small bits of kindness around! Now that we’re in the country, I sometimes go a full week without seeing anyone other than the neighbours we play euchre with on Tuesday evenings. My circle of strangers has almost disappeared!

One thing that is possible no matter where you are (and this is what I’m choosing this time around), is to donate to your local food bank. Groceries are expensive! Even a small donation of a can or two will help. Imagine the impact if everyone did this!

Ideas for sharing:

If you’re on social media, you can share a brief story of a random act of kindness - either done by you, or done FOR you. Add a quick description of the activity to encourage your friends and followers to try it too!

If you’re doing a “daily Joy texting” partnership with someone, send each other a quick text describing your random act of kindness.

Feel free to share your random act of kindness for the day with me! Either in the comments below, or by emailing me.