Journal Prompts
First journal session - set the tone for your mini-retreat
Make a simple list of thoughts and words you associate with Winter. Here are some examples to get you started:
Briefly describe a happy winter memory. This can be done in writing, as a drawing, etc.
Are there any circumstances or reasons preventing you from slowing down and taking time for self-care in your life right now? If yes, list them. Next to each reason, list a possible solution. Sometimes it helps to pretend you are offering advice to a friend, as we are often kinder to our friends than to ourselves ;)
Other ideas and suggestions:
Choose a “guiding word” for your day. This might be something from your list, or it might be something totally different. Write your word down. Decorate it, if you feel so inclined.
Post-meditation - any time you meditate during your retreat, take a few minutes afterwards to write. Just jot down whatever thoughts or feelings you have after meditating.
Evening - take a moment to write your end-of-day reflections. This is also a good place to intentionally direct your mind to something positive before going to sleep, or you could ask yourself a question and let your mind mull it over in your dreams.
End-of-Retreat journal session
On your final day, consider if there are any self-care elements that you can incorporate into your regular life.. Start small, give yourself simple steps. Start with something you can do tomorrow. Write this down.