Creative Choose Your Own Adventure

Another one of my favourite parts to this mini-retreat! When you see this listed on your schedule, pick one of the activities below and have fun with it! Important note to people who are creative professionals - choose an activity that is NOT what you do for your professional art practice. If you’re a painter, try writing a poem, or making a collage. Do something where you have NO expectations of yourself to be “good” at this activity. Tap into your pre-school self and PLAY!


  • write poems

  • draw

  • paint

  • collage

  • take photos

  • whatever you can imagine!

If you can’t think of what your subject should be, have a look at those lists you made in your first journal session. Draw what you want to increase in your life. Collage about what you’re grateful for right now. Write poems about what you want to leave behind as we exit this pandemic. Anything! Don’t forget - the final result isn’t the most important thing, so don’t get hung up on it being fantastic. The point is to spend a bit of time allowing yourself creative play, and to use this to consider your post-pandemic intent for your life. Have FUN!!