Jessica Lin Photography

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Day 17 - Send a Postcard

Who doesn’t love getting real mail?

Easy version:

Send a postcard to a friend.

Less easy:

Send a handful of postcards to a handful of friends!

My personal choice:

I printed up some postcards to send to you! Unfortunately I don’t have unlimited supplies, so the first 10 people who send me an email with their mailing address will get two postcards! Send one and keep one, or send both - it’s up to you!

Why do this?

We’re back to the Joy of connecting with friends and family! Taking the time to write and mail a physical postcard isn’t something most of us do often (or at all) anymore, so it’s even more special. Plus, you’ll be giving Joy to the receiver of the postcard, which will in turn give you Joy! Maybe they’ll stick it on their fridge or bulletin board, and think happy thoughts about you every time they see it :)